Message 5K
“Masks – Disinfectants – Distance – Do not gather – Medical declaration”
Masks: Wear masks regularly in public places where people gather; wearing medical masks at medical establishments and isolated areas.
Wash your hands often with soap or hand sanitizer. Clean frequently-contacted surfaces / objects (doorknobs, phones, tablets, desks, chairs …). Keep the house clean, clean and well ventilated.
Keep your distance when you interact with other people.
– Not gathering people.
– Make medical declarations on the NCOVI App; Install Bluezone application at to be warned of the risk of COVID-19 infection. When there are signs of fever, cough, difficulty breathing, call the hotline of the Ministry of Health at 19009095, or the local health hotline for advice, support, and medical guidance to ensure safety.
Call on everyone to live together with the epidemic.
To buy quality, safe and affordable masks, buy Kim Sora masks at reputable sites: Official Fanpage of Kim Sora Co., Ltd., Retail website, lazada channel: https: //www.lazada. vn / page-y-te-kim-sora /? q = All-Products & langFlag = en & from = wangpu & lang = en & pageTypeId = 2
Address: Street 3, Hoa Khanh Industrial Park, Hoa Khanh Bac Ward, Lien Chieu District, City. Danang
Hotline: 0905.986.797