WHAT IS BFE? What to know when buying a mask

If you buy a mask you often notice the word BFE with different indicators. So what is the BFE and how much is the standard. What factors do to make a quality, safe mask? That is the concern of many customers. Kim Sora would like to share some information for you to know better.

1. Why should use qualified medical masks

For people working in the medical environment, in the hazardous chemical industry, the risk of exposure from dust, bacteria, and viruses is very dangerous. It has become a threat affecting human health. Very common biological hazards take many forms such as blood, air, secretions or contact.

Not only is it dangerous for the healthcare staff, but it can also affect the patient and the family member taking care of the patient. In particular, diseases related to spread are caused by agents that cause such dangers as covid-19 epidemic.

So using a qualified medical mask will help limit the spread and prevent bacteria and viruses from entering. So how is the mask that meets the medical standards and what is the BFE filter performance?

2. How is BFE filter efficiency?

BFE stands for Bacterial Filtration Efficiency, which is a test to evaluate the effectiveness of bacteria filtration by comparing the number of bacteria that the material or device can filter.

The above test method is to evaluate the effectiveness of the medical mask’s bacterial filtration. By using the exposure relationship bacteria are introduced into the air stream from above and the remaining concentration in the air stream is lower. This is to determine the effectiveness of the material used for filtration to prevent the spread of the pathogen.

Applying sterilization performance method used to check for medical masks, surgical gowns, surgical screens and sterile protection systems also known as sterile barrier systems.

Aerosols (aerosols) are bacteria that usually appear in the bacteria system that normally resides on the body and this is also the human pathogen and is the cause of the pathogens.

New white 4-layer medical mask with 99% BFE index

The process of implementing the method:

The assessed material will be placed into the aerosol chamber and the batch collider, consisting of six floors. The space in the aerosol chamber, the staphylococcus aureus culture layer will be dispersed using a nebulizer. Then the aerosol drops will act with the medical mask and collect after the 6 stages above.

This method will know the relationship between the number of bacteria produced by the nebulizer in relation to the number of bacteria collected after passing the mask. From the analytical results, it is possible to report the BFE rate of the bacterial filtration process.

BFE targets

Standard medical masks to meet the standards, the minimum BFE of 95% is considered a good mask. And the index from 98% to more than 99% is the high quality mask. Therefore, you should look for masks with a BFE of 95% or more that will be safe and effective in preventing disease.

3. Kim Sora mask – Japanese quality

On the market, there are many types of masks that are floating, products of poor quality and of unknown origin. So when deciding to buy medical masks, you should look for reputable brands, with papers and clear origins to protect your health more comprehensively.

lọc khuẩn bfe
Kim Sora Medical Mask – BFE> 99%

For Kim Sora, all BFEs are tested and certified by an International Organization. You will feel secure and satisfied when using our products. You can order directly via Hotline: 0905.986.797 or click here for order support.

See more:

The benefits of wearing a mask

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