Find out with Kim Sora; Why wear antibacterial masks even when there is a COVID19 vaccine?
The first; Vaccines do not guarantee complete immunity.
According to “”; currently licensed vaccines; has been found to be only 95% effective against Covid-19. That means there’s still a small chance you could be infected. So; According to medical experts, you need to continue to protect yourself with measures such as: wearing a mask; wash your hands frequently; keep a safe distance even if you have been vaccinated against COVID-19. This will reduce the risk of infection; safer for you; relatives and people in the community.
Monday; Vaccination will give people a virtual sense of security that they have enough antibodies to fight the coronavirus and do not need to wear masks.
However; Vaccines are not able to produce anti-viral antibodies immediately. Our body takes about 4 to 6 weeks from the first dose to produce enough immune antibodies. In this time; Vaccinated people can still get infected with the virus and get sick.
Tuesday; you can infect others with Covid-19.
It is unclear whether people who have received the Covid-19 vaccine are capable of spreading the virus to others; even if they have no symptoms.
If you have been vaccinated; There may be enough virus present in your nose or mouth for you to unintentionally spread it to those around you; even if you don’t experience any symptoms.
So; until researchers confirm that this is not happening; then wearing a mask will help you protect unvaccinated people in the community.
Wednesday; It takes time to achieve “herd immunity”.
According to current “”; The actual number of people who have received the vaccine is still unknown; That’s why we have a long way to go; when the community can achieve herd immunity.
So until community immunity is achieved; Wearing a mask is still the most effective disease prevention measure.
Therefore, don’t forget to use Japanese standard antibacterial medical mask KIM SORA every time you go out to protect your health well.
KIM SORA Co., Ltd. specializes in manufacturing and supplying Japanese standard antibacterial medical masks; for domestic and foreign markets in large quantities.
KIM SORA Co., Ltd. is a reputable, quality, affordable, and reasonable purchasing address.
*** All the details please contact us :
Hotline: 090 598 67 97
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Branch: Huong Hoa Industrial Cluster, Huong Xuan Commune, Nam Dong District, Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam.